Sunday, April 16, 2023

Importance of Employee Recognition

The organization is a machine that needs constant maintenance. Employees are the ones who keeps the organization running. Happy and satisfied employees are likely to be successful in their careers and is more efficient at what they do. A simple thank you to appreciate the employees goes a long way. However a mere "thank you" is not enough as your employees are deserving of much more. They deserve recognition. Efforts to show that you value your employees can improve engagement, morale, productivity and retention of employees.

Organizing an office event or a company happy hour requires extended time and effort. In addition, an annual gathering allows the employees to spend time together away from work and cultivate relationships. It is better to adopt different ways of expressing gratitude. As a team leader you can adopt awards, kudos and recognition plans to recognize your team member.

Source: (

Advantages of employee recognition

As need to be appreciated is a basic human need, employees will feel more connected to their team and organization when they are recognized and valued for their contributions to the organizational goals (Wickham, N., 2022).

Below listed are benefits of employee recognition;

  • Decrease in employee turnover
  • Increase in productivity
  • Better employee satisfaction
  • Enhanced team culture
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Retention of valuable employees
Many managers does not know how to show appreciation of employees. Below are some simple yet effective methods of showing employees that you care and they are valued;

  • Recognize winners
  • Approve hard earned vacation days
  • You can never go wrong with food
  • Cash rewards
  • Boost their LinkedIn profile
  • Celebrate birthdays and special achievements
  • Go beyond "thank you"
  • Get away together
  • Send them to the mall
  • Encourage appreciating each other
(Cloud, 2021).

Appreciation takes little time. Any person irrespective of their designation can express appreciation. A culture of appreciation spreads fast with the involvement and effort of a leader. 

You will observe the positive effect when you are expressing gratitude more to those around you. The little things can add up to a big thing.


Cloud, H., 2021. 15 Creative Ways To Show Employee Appreciation | HR Cloud. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2023].

Wickham, N., 2022. The Importance of Employee Recognition: Statistics and Research. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2023].


  1. Very impressive Article.This article explains how it's important to acknowledge and appreciate employees in the workplace. The article explains the benefits of recognizing employees and offers suggestions on how to show appreciation. The article is easy to understand and provides practical advice that managers or team leaders can use to increase employee happiness, motivation, and productivity. My question is How can employee recognition and appreciation help in attracting new talent to the organization?

    1. Thank you for your Valuable feedback, Eashan.

      Great question.Employee recognition and appreciation programs can definitely help attract new talent to an organization.

      People want to feel valued and appreciated at their workplace. If a company is known for recognizing and appreciating its employees, that can be a major decisive point for job-seekers who may be comparing multiple offers.

  2. Yes Amal , as you mention employee appreciation is highly valuable in the workplace as it contributes to increased employee engagement, improved retention and loyalty, enhanced morale and well-being, strengthened relationships, increased innovation and creativity, and promotes a positive organizational culture. It leads to a more motivated, productive, and satisfied workforce, resulting in improved overall organizational performance and success.

  3. Hi Amal, thank you for sharing the wonderful article like this,
    Employee recognition programs can provide a variety to tangible benefits for business. It helps to improve employee motivation and engagement, increase job satisfaction and morale and turn rates.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing your views Niranchala

  4. Great article amal, it's true that u have mentioned happy and satisfied employees are likely to be successful in their careers and if they get recognitions for what they have done it's goes long way also you have nicely explained benefits of employee recognitions.
    thank you.

  5. Employee recognition is a very important area of the Human Resources management. Monitoring the best performers and recognizing them for better performance. Recognitions should not only for the monetary rewards, but it could also be given prominence among the team and recognize the individuals with spontaneous rewards with token of appreciations.

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable insights Chamara

  6. It's great to see someone highlighting the importance of employee recognition in the workplace. Studies have shown that employees who receive recognition for their work are more motivated and engaged (Gallup, 2019). In fact, a lack of recognition can have a negative impact on employee morale (Gallup, 2019). Additionally, Gostick and Elton (2018) found that employees who feel recognized are more likely to go above and beyond in their work. It's not just about monetary rewards, but also about acknowledging an employee's hard work and contributions to the company. Creating a culture of recognition can help improve the work environment, retain employees, and lead to better business outcomes. Keep up the good work in promoting employee recognition!

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable insights Praveen

  7. Definitely. As you mentioned, employees are necessary for the existence of an organization. But the long-term goals of the organization and the organization must be clear for the survival of the employees. Without changing the attitude of the employees, no progress can be expected. First of all, change the attitude and then without dividing the employees, by developing the employees' proper training and skills, they will be properly evaluated as you said, and a good framework can be built through the independence and motivation of the constant organization. good idea

  8. I fully agree with the importance of recognizing employees in the workplace. As Wickham (2022) stated, recognition and appreciation are basic human needs and can lead to increased engagement, productivity, and retention of valuable employees. Moreover, implementing employee recognition plans can enhance team culture and boost morale (Briscoe, Schuler, & Tarique, 2012).

    I also agree with the author's suggestions on how to show appreciation, such as celebrating birthdays and achievements, and going beyond a simple "thank you." Farnham (2015) suggests that a successful recognition program should be personalized and tailored to the individual employee's preferences. Furthermore, involving employees in the design and implementation of the program can increase their engagement and satisfaction (Gilmore & Williams, 2009).

    In conclusion, employee recognition is an essential part of any successful organization. As managers, we should not underestimate the impact of expressing gratitude and appreciation towards our employees. As Pedler, Burgoyne, and Boydell (2013) suggest, developing a culture of appreciation can lead to a more positive and productive workplace.

  9. You have spotted the key ideas. Organizations are implementing a variety of approaches to recognize their employees, such as continuous feedback and recognition, peer-to-peer recognition, non-monetary rewards, personalized recognition, and technology-based recognition. These practices are focused on creating a culture of appreciation and recognition within the organization, and recognizing employees in a meaningful and personalized way

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable insights Jothi


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