Sunday, April 16, 2023

Role of HR in Employee Well-Being and Workplace Safety

Importance of employee well-being and work place safety

Employees are an integral asset to any firm. Therefore employee well-being and safety is of utmost importance for the performance of the firm. Failure to provide a safe work environment will cause great reputational losses to the organization. Employees typically spend about 8-10 hours per day at their work place which is one third of their entire day. Therefore it is crucial to provide a safe pleasing working environment to all employees (Parker, 2021).

Source: (

The role of the HR in employee well-being and safety

HR plays a vital role in forming, implementing and maintaining safety policies. When we discuss role of HR when employee well-being is concerned, HR should consider both physical and mental well-being of their employees.

Below are key responsibilities of HR in ensuring well-being and safety of the employees;

  • Ensure both employer and employees are educated and reminded that a safe work environment is a responsibility of both the parties.
  • HR should act as a coordinator between employees and consultancy of outsourced experts on a regular basis to ensure technicalities of health and safety compliance.
  • HR should act as a coordinator between the organization, authorities and employees as HR is responsible in ensuring safety issues of employees are addressed on a timely manner (Leonard, 2022).

Tasks of HR that needs to be carried out to ensure employee well-being and safety

  • Organize frequent workshops such as entertainment programs to improve mental health of employees.
  • In the event that the employees are engaged in activities with hazardous materials ensure all such employees are WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) certified.
  • Ensure proper medical insurance scheme is in place covering all employees to cover potential medical expenses (Parker, 2021)

You cannot get the best output from employees by merely paying them a remuneration. Organizations should ensure that the employees are taken care of in every possible way which will improve employee satisfaction ultimately improving the productivity of employees. HR plays a vital role in occupational safety requirements.


Leonard, J., 2022. BUSINESS 2 COMMUNITY. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 April 2023].

Parker, S., 2021. HR Technologist. [Online]
Available at:
Accessed 15 April 2023].



  1. You are discussing another part of HR function the safety aspect of an organization involves implementing measures, policies, and practices to ensure the well-being, health, and security of employees, customers, and other stakeholders. This includes workplace safety, occupational health and safety, data security, emergency preparedness, and employee well-being. Organizations should comply with relevant laws and regulations, conduct regular audits, provide training, and promote a positive work culture. Continuous improvement through feedback, reviews, and updates is essential to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

  2. I completely agree with the author that employee well-being and workplace safety are essential for the success of any organization. According to Briscoe, Schuler, and Tarique (2012), a safe work environment is a crucial factor in maintaining employee well-being and ensuring their overall job satisfaction. The HR department has a significant role in maintaining the safety policies and regulations within an organization (Clegg, Courpasson, and Phillips, 2006).

    As mentioned by the author, HR should act as a coordinator between employees and outsourced experts to ensure technicalities of health and safety compliance are met (Dickmann and Baruch, 2011). Additionally, HR should take measures to improve the mental health of employees through frequent workshops and entertainment programs (Frege and Kelly, 2020). As Edwards and Rees (2011) suggest, providing proper medical insurance to employees is an important aspect of maintaining their well-being.

    In conclusion, it is evident that the HR department plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being and safety of employees. As Lawler and Boudreau (2015) suggest, organizations need to take care of their employees in every possible way to increase their productivity and ultimately achieve success. Overall, I completely agree that the HR department has a crucial role to play in maintaining employee well-being and workplace safety.


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